L'Europa intelligente / Alberto Cavallari.
by Cavallari, Alberto, 1927-. Edition: 2a edicioneMaterial type: Text Series: Diapason.Publisher: Milano : Rizzoli Editore, 1963. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM1033 .C38 1963]
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"Individualism reconsidered" and other essays : thirty essays on individualism, freedom, culture, Veblen, Freud, totalitarianism, and method in the social sciences by the author of "The lonely crowd" / David Riesman.
by Riesman, David, 1909-2002. Edition: Unabridged editionMaterial type: Text Series: A Free Press paperback.Publisher: New York : Free PressLondon : Collier-Macmillan Limited, 1966. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM136 .R54 1966]
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"Innovationspotenziale zentraleuropäischer Länder" : Analyse und Vergleich ausgewählter Forschungs- und Technologieindikatoren und -instrumente / Karl Blecha, Günter Hillebrand, Josef Hochgerner (Hg.).
by Blecha, Karl [hrsg.] | Hillebrand, Günter [hrsg.] | Hochgerner, Josef [hrsg.]. Material type: Text Series: GFF - Schriftenreihe.Publisher: Wien : Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Forschung, 2001. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM851 .I56 2001 t.2]
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"Talcott Parsons e la tradizione sociologica in Europa occidentale e nel Nord-America", Convegno (1989, 9-10 novembre : Napoli). Atti / Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa ; introduzione di Achille Ardig̣.Material type: Text Series: (Laboratorio / collana diretta de Antonio Villani ; 13).Publisher: Napoli : Guida editori, 1993. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище загальне
[Call number: HM22.U6 P3736 1989 ]
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7 лекций по истории социологии : учебное пособие для вузов.
by Гофман, А. Б. Александр Бенционович. Edition: 2-е изданиеMaterial type: Text Publisher: Москва : Университет, 1999. Other title: Семь лекций по истории социологии.Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище загальне
[Call number: HM435 .G64 1999]
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7 лекций по истории социологии / А.Б. Гофман.
by Гофман, Александр Бенционович. Edition: 5-е изданиеMaterial type: Text Publisher: Москва : Университет, 2001. Other title: Семь лекций по истории социологии.Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище загальне
[Call number: HM435 .G64 2001]
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9 принципов успеха в любви и в жизни / Генри Клауд.
by Клауд, Генри. Material type: Text Publisher: Москва : Триада, 2008. Other title: Nine sings you simply must do to succeed | Девять принципов успеха в любви и в жизни.Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM1106 .C5617 2008]
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A Barthes reader / edited, and with an introduction, by Susan Sontag.
by Barthes, Roland, 1915-1980 | Sontag, Susan, 1933-2004 [ed., intr.]. Material type: Text Publisher: New York : Hill and Wang, 1982. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище загальне (1), Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM621 .B37 1982]
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A beginner's guide to social theory / Shaun Best.
by Best, Shaun. Material type: Text Publisher: London : SAGE Publications, 2003. Other title: Social theory.Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM585 .B47 2003]
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A concise glossary of cultural theory / Peter Brooker.
by Brooker, Peter. Material type: Text Publisher: London : Arnold ; New York : Co-published in U.S.A. by Oxford University Press, 1999. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM621 .B76 1999]
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A Darwinian left : politics, evolution and cooperation.
by Singer, Peter. Material type: Text Series: (Darwinism today).Publisher: New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 1999. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище загальне
[Call number: HM631 .S56 2000]
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A dictionary of cultural and critical theory / editor : M. Payne ; associate editor : M. Ponnuswami ; assistant editor : J. Payne ; advisory board : S. Frith, H.L. Gates, D. Rasmussen.Material type: Text Publisher: Oxford : Blackwell, 1997. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM621 .D53 1997]
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A general theory of authority / with an introduction by Vukan Kuic.
by Simon, Yves R. Material type: Text Publisher: Notre Dame ; London : University of Notre Dame Press, 1980. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM 271 .S45 1980]
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A handbook of dialogue : trust and identity / edited by Krzysztof Czyżewski, Joanna Kulas, Mikołaj Golubiewski ; translators : Constantin Virgil Bănescu ... [et al.].
by Czyżewski, Krzysztof [ed.] | Kulas, Joanna [ed.] | Golubiewski, Mikołaj [ed.] | Bănescu, Constantin Virgil [tr.]. Material type: Text Publisher: Sejny : Fundacja Pogranicze, 2011. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM1271 .H36 2011]
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A question of trust / Onora O’Neill.
by O’Neill, Onora, 1941-. Material type: Text Series: The BBC Reith lectures.Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM1106 .O54 2002]
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Adorno / Martin Jay.
by Jay, Martin, 1944-. Material type: Text Series: Fontana Modern Masters.Publisher: London : Fontana Paperbacks, 1984. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM477.G47 J39 1984]
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Alain Touraine : vie, œuvres, concepts / Jean-Paul Lebel.
by Lebel, Jean-Paul. Material type: Text Series: Les grands théoriciens, sciences économiques et sociales.Publisher: Paris : Ellipses, 2007. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM479.T68 L43 2007]
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Alienation and social criticism / edited by Richard Schmitt, Thomas E. Moody.
by Schmitt, Richard, 1927- [ed.] | Moody, Thomas E [ed.]. Material type: Text Series: Key concepts in critical theory.Publisher: Atlantic Highlands : Humanities Press, 1994. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM291 .A45 1994]
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An den Rändern der Städte : Armut und Ausgrenzung / herausgegeben von Hartmut Häussermann, Martin Kronauer und Walter Siebel.
by Häussermann, Hartmut [Hrsg.] | Kronauer, Martin [Hrsg.] | Siebel, Walter [Hrsg.]. Material type: Text Series: Edition Suhrkamp.Publisher: Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp, 2004. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM1136 .A53 2004]
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An invitation to ethnomethodology : language, society, and social interaction / David Francis, Stephen Hester.
by Francis, David | Hester, Stephen. Material type: Text Publisher: London ; Thousand Oaks ; New Delhi : Sage Publications, 2004. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM1111 .F73 2004]
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