Animacja kultury : doświadczenie i przyszłość / redakcja : Grzegorz Godlewski ... [et al.].
by Godlewski, Grzegorz, 1955- [red.]. Material type: Text Publisher: Warszawa : Instytut Kultury Polskiej UW, 2002. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM623 .A55 2002]
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Antagonizm i pojednanie w środowiskach wielokulturowych / pod redakcją Jacka Kurczewskiego, Aleksandry Herman.
by Kurczewski, Jacek [red.] | Herman, Aleksandra [red.]. Material type: Text Series: Idee i społeczeństwo.Publisher: Gdańsk : Słowo/Obraz Terytoria, 2012. Other title: Antagonism and reconciliation in multicultural environment.Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM1271 .A58 2012]
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Arbeiten zur Soziologie : Methode - moderne Grossgesellschaft - Rechtssoziologie - Ideologiekritik / Theodor Geiger ; ausgewählt und eingeleitet von Paul Trappe.
by Geiger, Theodor Julius, 1891-1952 | Trappe, Paul. Material type: Text Series: Soziologische Texte.Publisher: Neuwied am Rhein ; Berlin-Spandau : Hermann Luchterhand, 1962. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM590 .G45 1962]
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Artistic expression in a corporate world : do we need monopolistic control? / Joost Smiers.
by Smiers, Joost. Material type: Text Publisher: Utrecht : Utrecht School of Arts, 2004. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM621 .S65 2004]
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Aspekte der Entwicklungssoziologie / herausgegeben von René König ; unter Mitarbeit von Günter Albrecht, Wolfgang Freund und Dieter Fröhlich.
by König, René [hrsg.] | Albrecht, Günter | Freund, Wolfgang | Fröhlich, Dieter. Material type: Text Series: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.Publisher: Köln ; Opladen : Westdeutscher Verlag, 1969. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM435 .A87 1969]
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Atlas of prejudice / Yanko Tsvetkov.
by Tsvetkov, Yanko. Publisher: [S. l.] : Alphadesigner, 2013. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM1096 .T7813 2013 t.1]
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Auf der Suche nach Wirklichkeit : gesammelte Aufsätze / Helmut Schelsky.
by Schelsky, Helmut. Material type: Text Publisher: Düsseldorf : Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 1965. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM590 .S3 1965]
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Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit als Dimension der Erwachsenenbildung : polnische, russländische und ukrainische Perspektiven / Tetyana Kloubert.
by Kloubert, Tetyana. Material type: Text Series: Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel = Societies and states in transformation.Publisher: Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Edition, 2014. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM435 .K56 2014]
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Autonomizacja jednostek organizacyjnych : z patologii organizacji / Witold Kieżun.
by Kieżun, Witold. Material type: Text Publisher: Warszawa : Państwowe Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, 1971. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HD38 .K54 1971]
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Autorytet : wczoraj - dziś - jutro / Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie, Katedra Pedagogiki Katolickiej ; pod redakcją Jana Zimnego.
by Zimny, Jan ks [red.] | Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Lublin Katedra Pedagogiki Katolickiej. Material type: Text Publisher: Stalowa Wola : [s. l.], 2014. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM1251 .A98 2014]
(1), Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM1251 .A98 2014]
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Autorytet i wolność.Material type: Text Series: Towarzystwo Wiedzy Chrześcijańskiej ogólnego zbioru.Publisher: Lublin : Uniwersytet, 1939. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховища ФБФ
[Call number: HM606.P6 A98 1939 t.53]
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Badania empiryczne w socjologii : wybór tekstów / opracowali : Marian Malikowski, Marian Niezgoda.
by Malikowski, Marian [oprac.] | Niezgoda, Marian, 1943- [oprac.]. Material type: Text Publisher: Tyczyn : Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Gospodarcza, 1997. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM606.P65 B33 1997 t.1]
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Beyond the cultural turn : new directions in the study of society and culture / edited and with an introduction by Victoria E. Bonnell, Lynn Hunt ; essays by Richard Biernacki ... [et al.] ; with an afterword by Hayden White.
by Bonnell, Victoria E [ed., intr.] | Hunt, Lynn, 1945- [ed., intr.] | Biernacki, Richard, 1956- | White, Hayden [afterword]. Material type: Text Series: Studies on the history of society and culture.Publisher: Berkeley ; Los Angeles ; London : University of California Press, 1999. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM487 .B49 1999]
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Boundaries of toleration / edited by Alfred Stepan, Charles Taylor.
by Stepan, Alfred C [ed.] | Taylor, Charles [ed.]. Material type: Text Series: Religion, culture, and public life.Publisher: New York : Columbia University Press, 2014. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM1271 .B68 2014]
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Britain, 1995 : an official handbook / prepared by the Central Office of Information.
by Central office of information. Publisher: London : HMSO, 1994. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: DA588 .B75 1994]
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Capitalism and modern social theory : an analysis of the writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber / Anthony Giddens.
by Giddens, Anthony. Material type: Text Publisher: Cambridge : University Press, 2000. Other title: Capitalism & modern social theory.Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM435 .G53 2000]
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Center : ideas and institutions / edited by Liah Greenfeld, Michel Martin.
by Greenfeld, Liah [ed.] | Martin, Michel L [ed.]. Material type: Text Publisher: Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, 1988. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM585 .C46 1988]
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Choice theory : a very short introduction / Michael Allingham.
by Allingham, Michael. Material type: Text Series: Very short introductions : stimulaing ways in to new subjects.Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002. Availability: Items available for loan: Сховище дослідницьке
[Call number: HM495 .A45 2002]
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Classic readings in sociology / [edited by] Eve L. Howard.
by Howard, Eve L. Edition: 3rd editionMaterial type: Text Series: The Wadsworth sociology reader series.Publisher: Belmont : Thomson Wadsworth, 2004. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM585 .C53 2004]
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Common sense по-українськи / Іван Лешко.
by Лешко, Іван. Material type: Text Publisher: Львів : БОНА, 2017. Availability: Items available for loan: Читальний зал 2
[Call number: HM1261 .L47 2017]
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[Call number: HM1261 .L47 2017]
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